Rhythm heaven megamix games list
Rhythm heaven megamix games list

This young Nintendo maestro didn’t need any electronic sheet music. After all, while it was a lively and colorful looking game, it was designed specifically so that you can play it by simply listening to the audio cues. He mastered it so much to the point that he didn’t even need to look at the screen to perfect the rhythm games. On the car on the way to school, he’d have it playing on the side to pump him up for the day. This one was no exception to that variety. A versatile one that had a bizarre way to play it, but let’s face it: instruments come in all shapes and sizes. To him, it was essentially an instrument.

rhythm heaven megamix games list

You had to hold a Nintendo DS like a book and play these vertically-shaped rhythm games through tapping and flicking motions. It was unlike any other music game that played like traditional video games or had some sort of accessory that resembled real-life instruments, like guitars.

rhythm heaven megamix games list

Sure it was a collection of smaller games with their own set of graphics, rules, and songs – but it was all shared across a single control scheme. This compilation of mini musical games would go on to become his favorite toy to tinker with: his favorite instrument (aside from the flute he had to willingly play in order to get a good music class mark and, well, graduate). Where a young Matt – being obsessed with stylized, cartoon Nintendo handheld games – was introduced to Rhythm Heaven for the Nintendo DS.

Rhythm heaven megamix games list