Ford powerstroke forum vcm 2 and ids
Ford powerstroke forum vcm 2 and ids

ford powerstroke forum vcm 2 and ids

The cheap chinese vcms suck and create more issues than what is trying to be diagnosed and have also seen them short out and cause havoc on the CAN system.Ī vcm 2 will run you $1500 and a year Ids subscription around $800,plus you need to get a laptop that meets all the requirements.for a diy'r it isn't worth it,plus as a non dealer you will not get access to all features like programming and as bilt.and especially for your p.o.s transmission,save your money and get rid of your car.the trans is a piece of poorly engineered shit,no matter how you drive or what you do you will need a clutch every 30k,a tcm every summer or so,and as miles get up there the clutch actuators and motors start to fail. The dps6 can relearn the clutch without the scan tool.there is a manual drive cycle procedure but it sucks,it's how we were doing when they first came out before they came up with the clutch relearn program in the Ids.some times the Ids and tcm don't agree with each other and we have to resort to to the original drive cycle procedure. theres plentry of software that claim to be able to do that translation. Even though we have a direct link to the module you are working with whether engine, trans, body, climate etc the underlying method is the same, pick up the CAN message and understand what it means.Īlmost any CAN tool can read all the CAN bus signals, you just need to be able to understand the messages. However when the vehicles are being developed we dont use factory tools for many reasons but mainly its because we have a read/write need. On top of this the factory tools have the abilty to run standardized protocols to aid diagnostics. This is where the factory tool has the upper hand, access to the database. This "dictionary" of translations is an extensive database file which is produced by the OEM. This interpretation of the raw CAN message is then translated into an easily read explanation. Every scan tool (to a point) simply gathers CAN messages and displays them in a fashion other than digits. There is nothing mystical about factory scan tools and their capability.

Ford powerstroke forum vcm 2 and ids